For our digi pack idea we have researched the digipaks of other bands in the alternative rock genre so that our own plan will follow the conventions expected by fans of this genre in terms of approptriatness of the digipak to the genre, mise en scene & its meaning/effect, the layout/font and effect, the image and style(how does it sell the band)

This is an example of a digipak from the lost prophets, the font is very bold and both the front and back of the case use dark colours which is a usual convention in the alternative rock genre, as well as the picture of the band on the back which is a recurring theme throughout bands within this genre and both stand out due to their dark colours that the band is wearing/ the colour of the font as there is a white background , the image and style of it is very simple with the main picture being a black eagle and the name of the album is clearly written underneath, the mise en scene used is portraying the bands image clearly and people expect to see certain bands have a certain style and this cover clearly aims to show lost prophets style and attract their fans, the main image also relates to the title as it is a black eagle representing "liberation"

Another example is from thirty seconds to mars, this cover is very different to that of lost prophets however they also use dark and light colors to contrast each other and make certain things stand out, however there mise en scene is very different seeing as there is no picture of the band but instead of an animal, this also suggests to there fans that this album is for "rebels" with the title also portraying this idea, it is appropriate to the genre as alternative rock is a genre that trys not to be as mainstream as other genres and this is a good example of how there album covers differ to that of other genres by providing strange images rather then just portraying themselves, the same is seen on the front of the lost prophets album

Paramores is a little different to that of 30 seconds to mars and lost prophets however it is still appropriate to the genre and to the idea of attracting those who are not mainstream and more rebellious, its font shows this by being abstract and covering the front cover with the name of the title in different positions really helps to add to this effect, the back of the album continues this effect, however the band is also portrayed on the back, the same as the lost prophets cover, the cover also helps to sell the band by showing there obvious style that the fans have become used to and look for when they release new albums, the image of the band also helps to sell the band by being more shaded then the rest of the cover and making them stand out a lot more, especially with the font on the

back being orange.

My chemical romance, also use black/dark colours with the main fonts being black and main image with the background being a lighter colour to make them stand out as we have seen throughout the examples and stays appropriate to the genre by again using images related to the title of the album by using a parader and portraying them in black, the font is similar to that used in the other examples and is clearly used to make titles stand out against the background, the back image also represents the title and follows the genres conventions of dark imagery and ones that usually relate to the title if there is not a picture of the band, this also relates to the bands image as MCR are usually wearing similar colours to that on the covers

Linkin parks covers also use black and white, with the background being black and the font being white again making them stand out, as well as this the mise en scene used is the man spraying graffiti and again follows this recurring idea of rebellious behaviour in the alternative rock genre, and attracting there fans as they expect there lyrics to help them relate to this type of behaviour,the back also uses white and black fonts and shows an image not of the band but of something they use during making there music
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